Steering Group
Individual participant Steering Group members have the following responsibilities:
- Understand the goals, objectives, and desired outcomes of STAR in line with the delivery principles.
- Understand and represent the interests of STAR stakeholders.
- Take a genuine interest in STAR’s outcomes and overall success.
- Consider whether STAR is making prudent decisions, when responding to issues, risks and proposed changes.
- Consider STAR’s alignment with wider pensions and investments industry and regulatory strategy.
- Actively participate in meetings through attendance, discussion, and review of minutes, papers and other Steering Group documents.
- Support open discussion, debate and encourage fellow Steering Group members to voice their insights.
- Act as ambassadors for STAR and work actively to bring other organisation on board.
- Promote the benefits of participating in STAR across the industry, in line with communication guidelines set out within this document.
Steering Group Membership
Participant Membership
Initial membership comprises representatives from founder members, this structure will be reviewed after an appropriate period.
Observer Membership
These members will be added on an invitation only basis, with a maximum of eight observer members at any time.